1st - Bretto
2nd - Simo
3rd - Derek
Ah, what a race. Actually, the most crazy race I've ever been a part of. Terrible weather: a windy, wet, stormy night. I was impressed that 8 people turned up, but I'm certain that everyone who did race benefited from the experience!
The opening stages thru the ill-advised King's Park section of the route were treacherous (zero light and slippy) and I'm glad no one was hurt, most of all myself. Bretto and I were eventually able to forge ahead in the dicey conditions and my hat goes off to him. He blew thru the Bennett/Adl Tce intersection, cars oncoming, and I was unwilling to follow. He is a crazy bastard, although he wasn't riding his Maniac.
Check out neinlives.blogspot to read Prawi's version of events.